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Tuesday, 17 May 2016


Architectural appreciation

What do we mean when we say that our homes are “extensions” of ourselves? To put it more precisely, can a home be an extension of more than one person’s sense of “self”? A good example of this attitude – having architecture and the architect mutually engaged – is “preservation and appreciation. The architecture speaks for what it is, and for what it stands for. It has a function/purpose, it can represent an idea thought how it looks and works; which in our case, defies a visual design that represents nothing more than fulfilling the requirements of its inhabitants. This again, allows architectural identity to be redefined and reproposed as something that does not communicate implications of an Architectural art exhibition, rather the investigation between the inhabitant and architecture as a relationship consisting of themes of individuality and social bonding.

 "Architectural Identity: Architecture Meaning - E-architect." Earchitect RSS. 2010. Accessed May 14, 2016. http://www.e-architect.co.uk/articles/architectural-identity.

"Home at Intersection": An Exploration of Relationships, Individuality and Architecture." ArchDaily. 2016. Accessed May 15, 2016. http://www.archdaily.com/787470/home-at-intersection-an-exploration-of-relationships-individuality-and-architecture.

"Curating as Architectural Practice." Ota, Kayako. Jstor.org. March 23, 2010. Accessed May 14, 2016. http://www.jstor.org/stable/41765383?Search=yes&resultItemClick=true&searchText=architectural&searchText=practice&searchUri=/action/doBasicSearch?Query=architectural+practice&prq=architectural+intention&group=none&fc=off&acc=on&so=rel&wc=on&hp=25&seq=2#page_scan_tab_contents.

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Final Submission ( The Space between)


ElectroLiquid Aggregation:

"Deception of materiality and the tangible as means of predetermining aesthetic properties and density"

The structures overwhelming mass serves to demonstrate Oscar Nieymer's 'Heaviness of the material vs the lightness of the form', however Marc Fornes' 'Continuity of surface/space' provides an unrestraint bounding box on modern architectural practices. The blending of the two concepts then allows a structure that appeals to the human eye as something of 'intimidating' through the unlimited capacity of space in addition to the materiality of the structure, yet in facts proves to be much more 'open' to the public. 

With the incorporation of a technological theme, the building is then allowed to integrate specific (monitors, lights, signs ,air conditioning) objects and textures uses that further enhances this idea of deception through surface and material.

Lumion Images

Here we are able to see the overwhelming structure of the model, yet it only serves to distort what is truly there through the specific material use of aluminium and the advanced technology that provides assistance to objects and building

The interior incorporates glass to further emphasise the idea of what is aesthetically expected of the properties and density through the structure. The glass serves as 'lenses' to perhaps portray what is really there and make forth the fact that material and surface do not determine the core aspects of the building

The sheer mass of the structure also allows certain perceptions of the building being used for political or corporational purposes which showcases the deception it provides of being a Lightrail stop

                                              36 Textures

Chosen Textures:

                                                      18 Axonometrics

Porosity of surface/space+The promenade towards the architecture as a human experience

Continuity of surface/space+ Heaviness of material vs the aesthetic lightness of form

Aesthetic lightness + Volumetric addition and subtraction as a formal strategy

Marc Fornes- Continuity of surface/space
Aesthetic Lightness
Porosity of surface/space
Oscar Niemeyer-Volumentric addition and subtraction as a formal strategy
The promenade towards the architecture as a human experience of space
Heaviness of material vs the aesthetic lightness of form

Final Chosen Axonometrics

3d Warehouse and Dropbox links
